Saturday, 20 September 2008

More linkage...

Ever wondered how good is a chocolate teapot?

Gorgeous art...

For anyone whose every felt like skinning Bugs Bunny...

The real laws that govern the universe here

Frustrated with movies that have unlikely endings? All your favourites tweaked for reality

Santa, take note, I want an avenging Narwhal for Christmas!

Mr - T - Sings - About - Mothers.

Ha ha ha... even microsoft uses macs to produce decent design work!

Mankind benefits from confectionary genius once more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha that was quite good about the Micosoft advertising campaign...although what would have been likely is that the campaign development was outsourced to an agency which being 'creative' no doubt was using Macs. It may not have been MS that thus built the campaign, but they should have had the sense to edit the file metadata.